Saturday, July 10, 2010

Add Some Greenery to Life!

These pictures have nothing in special- they are just the natural parts of our surroundings when I view them with my unadorned eyes. But, when I add two lenses to my optical vision, they show a totally different world to me. I see magic, stunning beauty, enthralling amusements and the attraction of gravity as wonders of mother nature all around me. Just trying to share those imageries with you- and let me know what you see. Is it I see and I click or I click then I see? 

(A perfect example of natural concentration) 

(enjoy the company on the lakeside)

(Know your target!)

(I just love this one- simply the best!)

(trying to find my way via lenses-just in the village of shrubs!)

(I wish I was blessed with this enchantment too- just asking for a little more :p)

(New Generation vs the old one!)

(I don't have the account for similarities and differences, but this one just reminds me of my country Nepal)

(Now I see where the Peepal I worship grows!)